May 28, 2020 11 min read

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    There are many wonderful aspects about being female but going through menopause isn’t usually at the top of the list. Menopause education remains a subtle topic in most conversations outside of the medical realm. A better understanding of how we can support our bodies during menopause will enable us to stay healthier, happier, and support our female communities as well.

    Until recent years, menopause has always been a topic addressed with a slight veil of mystery. There’s been plenty of interest, however not a huge amount of evidence. Luckily, the evolution of topics addressed in female health have gained more recognition in our everyday lives. Today, more specifically, we’ll be taking a closer look at how nutrition plays a role in a healthy menopause. Let’s find out why all-natural Marine Collagen is considered a trusty ally of menopausal and postmenopausal women when it comes to their overall health and skincare.

    Menopause: Definition & Characteristics

    Menopause (amenorrhea) represents the end of menstrual periods in a woman's life, as a Harvard Health Publishing article defines it. The actual period of menopause is preceded by perimenopause, which can last several months, or even years, and is characterized by important changes in the production of cycle-regulating hormones. According to statistics, the average age for a woman to enter menopause in America is 51. However, this is by no means a rule. Some women can experience menopause in their 40s, or even into their late 50s. Nevertheless, the menopausal period for every woman starts after her last period has subsided for a period of 12 consecutive months. Medically speaking, menopause is cited as typically lasting a year. It is also important to state that certain factors can lead to premature menopause, including hysterectomies, smoking, and medical treatments such as chemotherapy and/or radiation.

    Defining Menopause

    The duration of perimenopause is completely individual, but it can occur as early as 8 to 10 years prior to actual menopause. The main characteristic of this stage, as we’ve already mentioned, is a hormonal unbalance - or a sharp drop in estrogen, to be exact. Estrogen is a hormone produced by the ovaries, and its unbalance or fluctuation is often characterized by irregular periods. Once estrogen production is significantly decreased, eggs are no longer released, which is considered the main prerequisite for menopause. The unpleasant symptoms accompanying the state of perimenopause aside from irregular periods include weight gain, mood changes, breast tenderness, headaches, compromised libido, and fertility issues, among others.

    The majority of symptoms of the year-long period of menopause and the aforementioned perimenopause often overlap, but some states are more pronounced during this time, including vaginal dryness, hot flashes or night sweats, disturbed sleep, and urinary incontinence. According to M. C. Stöppler, MD at, it is during menopause that the function of the ovaries stop, and as a consequence of this change, menopausal women can no longer conceive. Before menopause, during monthly cycles, each ovary releases an egg, which travels to the uterus, allowing for a pregnancy to develop. It has been noted that both the physiological and psychological consequences of menopause, as well as its duration and severity, differ greatly among menopausal women.

    Menopause Symptoms

    When it comes to postmenopause, according to W. C. Shiel Jr., MD, it is medically defined as a period following the 12-months-long menopause period. In reality, many women find that postmenopause can last for years. The medical community has also found that the average length of postmenopause seems to have gone up over the years, and it could potentially be estimated to a third of a woman's life. This sensitive period characterized by a significant decrease in estrogen levels is manifested through an increased risk of numerous health issues, including cardiovascular disease, mental health issues, osteoporosis, compromised skin health, etc.

    Even though the statistics and symptoms may not seem too encouraging, the good news is that the effects of menopause may be managed with proper nutrition if you’re interested in natural ways to keep the symptoms of both menopause and postmenopause under control, keep on reading.

    Why Collagen?

    According to R. Ross at, collagen is a term encompassing a family of structural proteins mainly present in connective tissues such as skin and cartilage. How much collagen is there in our bodies? Well, enough for collagen to be considered the most abundant protein in humans, accounting for one-third of the total protein amount. When it comes to different types of collagen, the largest amount belongs to Type I (~90%), which is located in the skin, tendons, bones, and internal organs - and it is the predominant type in Marine Collagen supplementation.

    As far as collagen production is concerned, there is some good news and bad news. On a more positive note, collagen is produced naturally from scratch in our bodies, as long as we supply it with dietary protein which is broken down into amino acids. On the other hand, natural collagen manufacturing is limited by the inevitable aging process, especially after menopause, a study on the importance of collagen in anti-aging concludes.

    When it comes to benefits, collagen has been found to boost muscle mass and strength, even in older people struggling with sarcopenia, a randomized controlled trial by D. Zdzieblik and colleagues states. What’s more, as a structural protein, collagen can also be found in blood vessels - hence its pronounced role in the health and composition of arteries. Further, supplementing with collagen peptides has also been associated with improved quality of nails and hair, a study by D. Hexsel finds. Finally, collagen has been found to promote the feeling of satiety and act as a natural appetite suppressant, hence its importance in the process of weight loss.

    Fortunately, the beneficial effects of non-GMO collagen, especially when it comes to menopause and postmenopause, do not stop there.

    Collagen in Bone & Muscle Health

    According to a study conducted by D. Agostini et al., menopause is a process affecting not only the levels of estrogen, but also related aspects of health, causing a progressive decline of muscle mass and strength, as well as bone density. Furthermore, the jeopardized interaction between bone and muscle mass has been found to negatively affect the quality of life in postmenopausal women. Therefore, in order for the risk of sarcopenia and osteoporosis progression to be limited, natural alternatives to hormone therapy are highly recommended.

    Collagen for Healthy Bones and Muscles during Menopause

    A study conducted by D. König and colleagues recognized the immense potential of Collagen Peptides powder supplementation in the management of osteoporosis, especially in postmenopausal women who run a greater risk of developing the condition. According to the mentioned study, collagen supplementation has been shown to improve bone metabolism and structure, while also enhancing the biomechanical resistance of vertebrae. What’s more, the study found collagen supplementation to be particularly effective in postmenopausal women, especially when it comes to decreasing the excretion of bone collagen breakdown products.

    The mentioned study highlights the improvement of bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women as the most significant effect of collagen supplementation. The reason behind collagen efficiency lies in its fast absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, allowing the collagen peptides to act as signaling molecules and positively influence anabolic processes. In addition, it has been shown that the signaling proteins derived from collagen peptides appear to stimulate collagen formation in the bone.

    And, as collagen is the main constituent of bone mass, it is only natural for its supplementation to boost the organic substance of the bone, as well as BMD. Add to that, supplementing with collagen has been linked to a decrease in bone loss in estrogen-deficient individuals (those in peri-, post-, or menopause) due to its reducing effect on proinflammatory cytokines. As for the amount of the protein necessary for these benefits to be obtained, the aforementioned study suggests that supplementing with 5 g/day has been shown to increase the BMD of the lumbar spine and the femoral neck, while also promoting the blood levels of the bone marker.

    Furthermore, a study on the effect of collagen peptides on the body composition of premenopausal women included 77 premenopausal women in order to evaluate the effect of collagen supplementation combined with resistance training. In this randomized trial, 77 participants were involved in a 12-week resistance training program (3 times a week), while consuming 15 g of collagen protein daily. The experiment resulted in an improvement in fat-free mass and hand-grip strength, as well as loss in fat mass.

    Conclusively, supplementing with fat-free collagen peptides appears to improve strength gains and muscle mass, while exhibiting strong anti-inflammatory properties and limiting the muscle wasting process. Furthermore, it has been proven to promote anabolic processes in numerous tissues and skeletal muscles, leading to an increase of collagen content in intramuscular connective tissue.

    Collagen & Your Appetite

    If you’ve been struggling with belly fat during menopause, you should know that it’s NOT uncommon. The aging process takes its toll on our metabolism and bad eating habits come at a higher price, but the issue of weight-gain is also attributed to menopause. According to a study conducted by T. I. Chiang and colleagues, an increase in central (visceral) body fat, as well as the development of the metabolic syndrome and an increase in the risk of cardiovascular issues are all associated with menopause.

    Collagen for Cellulite

    The same study goes on to explain how dietary protein has a predominant role in helping to regulate body weight, acting as an effective appetite suppressant by promoting the feeling of satiety. If you increase your protein intake, you’re more likely to feel fuller for longer, especially between meals. Additionally, the study links regular collagen supplementation with an improvement in skin texture, including cellulite. Higher quantities of collagen supplementation (2.5 mg/mL) also appear to limit adipocyte enlargement as a result of estrogen deficiency, aiding in the management of menopause-induced obesity. Finally, the study confirms the earlier mentioned findings of collagen improving the maintenance of lean muscle mass, while promoting the loss of fat mass.

    The Role of Collagen in Skin Health & Anti-Aging

    Unfortunately, yet another one of the consequences of menopause concerns the state and health of the skin. A study on skin aging and menopause suggests that immediately after menopause the collagen content in the skin experiences a drastic decrease and that this decrease continues gradually in postmenopause. In the first 5 years, postmenopausal women lose approximately 30% of skin collagen, and the decline continues at a gradual rate of 2.1% per postmenopausal year, over the next 20 years. Given the earlier discussed importance of collagen for skin, it is no wonder this issue is one of the prevalent subjects of postmenopausal health.

    The texture and appearance of skin tend todecline with age as a result of three main factors: hormonal deficiency, photoaging, and exposure to environmental pollutants. The most prominent signs of skin aging include skin wrinkling, facial creases, loss of skin tone, and compromised skin elasticity, a study on the effect of collagen on the dermal matrix synthesis states. The study emphasizes the role of nutrients and food supplements such as collagen peptides in the management of skin functions and appearance.

    Collagen in Skin Health

    In particular, Type I collagen has been shown to stimulate natural collagen production, as well as other extracellular matrix molecules in the fibroblasts, improving their density and diameter. As far as photoaging is concerned, supplementing with collagen appears to limit the UVB-induced reduction of type I collagen in the skin.

    An 8-week-long placebo-controlled study including 114 women aged 45-65 years examined the effect of 2.5 g of collagen hydrolysate or placebo on the state of the skin. The results undoubtedly speak in favor of collagen supplementation, since there was a visible difference in eye wrinkle volume in comparison to the placebo group. Furthermore, an increase in the content of both procollagen type I (65%) and elastin (18%) was noted in the collagen group, as opposed to the placebo.

    Therefore, it is safe to conclude that consistent collagen supplementation has a great impact on skin wrinkles, as well as the dermal matrix synthesis.What’s more, the positive outcome persisted even 4 weeks after quitting the supplementation, and the explanation for this long-lasting improvement lies in the promoted biosynthesis of the natural collagen in the skin.

    What’s more, supplementing with collagen has been foundto combat the visible signs of aging other than wrinkling, such as increased dryness. According to a study by M. Borumand et al., the skin-improving activity of collagen is twofold. First and foremost, it boosts the existing collagen in the dermis, enhancing the fibral network and the integrity of the skin. Secondly, it stimulates the fibroblasts to manufacture more collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.

    In a placebo-controlled, double-blind trial, 69 women aged 35-55 years were randomized to receive a dose of 2.5 g or 5 g of collagen hydrolysate or placebo a day, over the course of 8 weeks. The collagen group, as opposed to a placebo, reported significant improvements in various factors of skin state and appearance, including skin hydration, elasticity, moisture, and evaporation. Moreover, a study on oral collagen supplementation confirms the positive effects of collagen hydrolysate on skin hydration, elasticity, and dermal collagen density, while also declaring that there were no reports of adverse effects related to collagen supplementation.

    Aside from improving all the mentioned skin factors, collagen also appears to decrease the degree of cellulite and help to reduce skin waviness in the thigh area. Finally, a study by L. Bolke and colleagues concludes that an age-influenced decrease in collagen synthesis can be reversed with adequatehighly bioavailable collagen supplementation.

    Menopause, as well as the periods preceding and following it, certainly do bring many changes - some of them being a bit harder to get used to. Consulting with a healthcare professional, optimizing your nutrition with Wild-Caught Marine Collagen, and finally, giving yourself time to adapt to the situation will take a great burden off your shoulders, no matter how trying and challenging the times may be. Interested in more graceful aging supplements? Check out our full line.

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