December 12, 2019 3 min read

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    Collagen & ginger go together almost as well as "sleighs" and "reindeer" go together.

    Ginger is widely known for its health benefits and has been for centuries as far back as when Boswellia was a common healing herb as well.

    WebMD has even profiled the health benefits of ginger, as has Deepak Chopra, plus countless studies.

    And you know what my favorite way to eat ginger is?

    You might have guessed it if you looked at the calendar, and you would be right: Gingerbread cookies.

    Gingerbread cookies are not the most obvious cookie invention. They give everyone a feeling of warmth and homeliness -- even people who aren't even Christian, like myself! They stir up images of Norman Rockwell as Norman Rockwell himself. I wouldn't be surprised if Norman Rockwell even did a whole series on families in the 1950s baking and then eating together gingerbread cookies. (I accidentally wrote "Normal Rockwell" in that previous sentence but that typo is telling: his name itself implies the sheer normalcy of happy families eating gingerbread cookies in the Leave it to Beaver era.)

    And what's great about gingerbread cookies is that they give you this healthy herb, but created in a way that makes it both delicious to eat and designed in a way to appeal to not only kids but the kid in all of us.

    Of course, they're typically a treat, which is high in sugar, but if you get creative there are plenty of ways to bake up a healthier version. We’ll help you with that below!

    Why Add Beef Gelatin?

    But here's the kicker: you know what goes great with ginger and thus gingerbread cookies? Collagen.

    Just do a Google search, lest you think I exaggerate. Tons of companies sell Ginger + Collagen combos (beware of supplement combinations: they are almost always the lowest quality version of all, mixed together! Same reason why you should pause before going to an all-you-can-eat restaurant: a lot of a lot of things almost always results in the cheapest version of all. Caveat Emptor!)

    What does the scientific literature say? As a piece of literature almost as wise as William Shakespeare (the Simpsons) once said: "the conclusion is inconclusive." Scientifically, taken together, collagen and ginger may support each other and super-power each other; or maybe they each just retain their own superpower effects on their own, without any of the exponential growth helping each other out. But in either case, they both offer some pretty amazing health benefits.

    While there are a variety of collagen options you could combine with ginger to get the superfood effect, for this particular recipe we're going to add Grass-Fed Beef Gelatin, a healthy collagen-packed thickening agent you'll want to keep on your counter at all times once you try it. So, collagen + ginger... What's the deal behind this duo?

    All-natural Beef Gelatin is a rather underestimated gut-loving nutrient which not only promotes healthy digestion, but also eases the symptoms of inflammation. What's more, it has also been found to decrease inflammation in joints and muscles after workouts, aiding in recovery. On the other hand, the anti-inflammatory effects of ginger shouldn't be overlooked, since it has been found to significantly reduce inflammation levels in individuals suffering from arthritis and rheumatism.

    Without any delay, lets jump into our recipe!

    Gingerbread Cookies

    Collagen & Gingerbread Cookies


    2 eggs
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1/2 cup coconut flour
    1 tsp baking soda
    1/2 tsp spice
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1/4 cup coconut sugar
    1/4 cup blackstrap molasses
    1/2 cup almond butter
    1 tsp ground ginger
    2 scoops Unflavored Beef Gelatin 

    Cinnamon Sugar for Rolling:

    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    3 tbsp coconut sugar (or sugar of your choice)


    1. Add all the wet ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix.
      2. Add all the dry ingredients, including non-GMO Beef Gelatin, stirring the mixture until it becomes compact.
      3. Leave in the fridge for at least an hour (or make the dough the night before and leave it to rest in the fridge overnight).
    2. Preheat the oven to 350 F and prepare a tray with baking paper for your cookies. Grab another mixing bowl and mix the sugar and the cinnamon for your cinnamon sugar mix. Start making your cookies by using cookie scoop, creating little dough balls. Roll the cookies in cinnamon sugar, evenly covering each ball.
    3. Once you've placed the cookies onto the baking sheet, press them down with your hand to create the cookie shape. Bake the cookies for approximately 10 minutes (until the top starts cracking).

    Try our unflavored, easy-to-use Grass-Fed Beef Gelatin for all your homemade holiday baking!

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