December 16, 2020 3 min read

In this article

    Our commitment to sustainability

    As a small business, we do our very best to operate with integrity & sustainability every step of the way. From sourcing the best ingredients on the planet to ensuring our products offer the most bioavailable formulas, we’re always optimizing.

    Today, we’re proud to announce that we’ve leveled up our sustainability journey and gone Plastic Neutral!

    We’ve partnered with rePurpose Global to fund the collection, processing, and reuse of as much ocean-bound plastic waste as we use in our packaging. This means that every Amandean purchase will now carry a Net Zero Plastic Footprint.

    When it comes to the ingredients in our products, we never compromise. We selectively source the best, and most sustainable ingredients available. The quality and purity of our ingredients are at the foundation of our success and health. From our Icelandic wild-caught Marine Collagen to our Vegan Omega-3 from USA-grown marine algae, the source, traceability, and performance of our products come down to a healthy environment.

    However, our ingredients and premium formulas can be delicate. Storage conditions, such as high or low temperatures, light, or oxygen can compromise their stability & effectiveness. For this reason, plastic has remained our packaging material of choice. Plastic is the most durable and light-weight material that guarantees the quality of our products, improves their shelf life, and decreases the carbon footprint of their transportation costs. Although we are constantly sourcing and testing more eco-friendly alternatives, we haven’t found anything comparable to the BPA-free plastic containers we currently use. For this reason, going Plastic Neutral has allowed us to take a more 360-degree approach to sustainability.

    Sustainability Journey


    The Way We Do It

    Every time you buy an Amandean product, we donate money to plastic reduction efforts. Through our partnership with rePurpose Global, we are supporting Waste4Change, an Indonesian-based waste management social enterprise that collects and processes hard-to-recycle waste streams. One of the reasons we chose Waste4Change as our waste reduction partner is their 100% holistic approach to waste management. Their core services include: segregated waste collection from landfills and the ocean, waste management consulting and research, and responsible processing of collected waste, such as in-store recycling, extended producer responsibility, and event waste management.

    It’s true that plastic and its disposal has been grossly mismanaged. RePurpose Global and its waste management partners support ethical wages to waste workers for collecting hard-to-recycle, low-value plastic waste items. This way, waste workers get fairly compensated for their important work, while diverting plastic waste that would have otherwise been landfilled, burned, or flushed into our oceans.

    Transparency is one of our core values at Amandean. RePurpose Global employs strict verification measures - they conduct unannounced spot-checks, provide detailed reports of their progress, and ensure that their Plastic Neutral Protocol is implemented no matter who they’re working with. This protocol is a set of operational guidelines that help waste management partners carry out their recycling operations in an ethical and efficient manner and ultimately maximize impact on the ground.

    Plastic Neutral

    Our Next Steps

    Our partnership with rePurpose Global is a critical step in our sustainability journey. We know that our customers give high value to protecting and preserving the planet and we want to honor that. Ultimately, we want a healthy planet for all of us. As our journey continues we’ll be sharing more tips, education, and resources from our plastic-neutral community, as well as how to reduce our plastic footprint as individuals. Keep in touch by joining our online community and subscribing to our articles. We’ll also be sharing progress updates from our waste management partners.

    Thank you for joining us in our plastic-neutral journey and supporting our sustainability efforts. Amandean is better because you hold us accountable to these values.

    If you want to learn more about our Sustainability journey, take a deeper look here:

    Summary Points:

    We’ve partnered with rePurpose Global to fund the collection, processing, and reuse of as much ocean-bound plastic waste as we use in our packaging.

    Every Amandean purchase will now carry a Net Zero Plastic Footprint.

    Every time you buy an Amandean product, we donate money to plastic reduction efforts, supporting Waste4Change.

    As our journey continues we’ll be sharing more tips, education, and resources from our plastic-neutral community, as well as how to reduce our plastic footprint as individuals.

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