February 05, 2020 4 min read

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    It’s that time of year again. Awards season. That’s right folks. If everytime you open your social media your feed is plastered with red carpet fashion, starlets, and flawless faces, you know the Oscars must be coming soon. For many of you this means hearing about some great new films & documentaries and for others this means getting all glammed up yourselves. Oscar parties can be just as fun as the actual event with less pressure, don’t you think?

    Many of you may be wondering what the stars use to look their very best for one of the most important events of their careers. Moreover, you might be wanting to steal their beauty secrets for yourself. We don’t blame you. While Team Amandean isn’t attending the Oscars ( never say never, we might be there next year) we do our research and today we’ll reveal one beauty tip you won’t want to miss out on. Read on to find out.

    Celebrity Skincare

    Above Image Source:CelebMafia

    As nutritional science advances, the old saying, “beauty is only skin deep”couldn’t be more flawed. In fact the link between what you eat and the health of your skin, hair, and even the strength of your nails has become increasingly evident. Hydration, adequate nutrients, and vitamins all have a significant role to play in terms of how you look on the outside, especially when it comes to aging. Ever notice how your skin looks a bit dull when you’ve had too much wine and not enough water? You’re not the only one.

    Collagen & Radiant Skin

    One of the most important nutritional factors when it comes to graceful aging, skincare, and helping your skin to look its absolute best is collagen. What’s that? We’ll jump into the science in a second, but if you’ve seen the odd Kardashian or A-list actress promoting it, you might have wondered exactly why it’s so popular at the moment. Keep reading.

    Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the human body and performs a number of vital functions. Among those functions is to maintain the health of our skinby replacing and recycling dead cells. It’s also responsible for our skin's structure, elasticity, texture, strength, and resilience. That’s quite a bit. The problem is simply that collagen production actually begins to slow down as we get older so in order to maintain adequate levels, we need to supplement. As our collagen levels drop, this is when we begin to see the signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin.

    Collagen isn’t new per se. Actually, it’s an ancient superfood that’s been around for centuries that you can find in protein-rich foods like beef, chicken, fish, bone-broth, beans, eggs and dairy products. You can read more on that here. However, because we require more collagen as we age, we can also rely on high-bioavailability collagen supplementation in the form of hydrolyzed peptides, which our body can readily absorb and use due to their small particle size. So, now that we know why it’s important, which collagen should you choose?

    Wild-Caught Marine Collagen

    Collagen Cosmetics vs. Drinking Collagen

    If you’ve walked down the aisle of any cosmetics department in the last year, you will have seen collagen listed as a prominent ingredient on almost every single product. Rightly so, as you can also obtain collagen in a topical form, not just by eating or drinking it in your diet. Of course, this is one way to make sure you’re adding collagen to your skincare routine. We don’t discourage it!

    However, one of the main factors in ensuring you’re not wasting your money on products that claim to help boost your collagen levels is how well your body is able to actually use them. We call this bioavailability. In general, studies show that collagen absorbed by the body orally rather than topically is more bioavailable. In fact, if you want to take a deep dive into this topic specifically, here’s a great articlethat will explain further.

    So, before you buy that $80 eye serum that promises to turn your face into a baby’s bottom, consider bioavailability and getting it from a dietary supplement instead. The way your body consumes it matters.

    Finally, here’s another tip on adding collagen to your beauty routine. The most bioavailable collagen supplement that you can easily use in your coffee, water, tea, smoothie, or even a glass of juice comes from a marine source. That’s right, the source of collagen also affects the way your body is able to use it. Collagen sourced from fish, for example, is up to 1.5 times more bioavailable than bovine sources. If you want a red-carpet glow and you want it faster, opt for the Rolls Royce of collagen supplements and go for a non-farmed fish collagen variety. Don’t worry, many brands including ours are unflavored and odorless so you don’t have to feel like you're drinking the sea or worry about any artificial flavoring or additives ruining all the skin benefits. And bonus, it’s especially good for Pescatarians who don’t consume any meat products.

    In summary, when you’re looking to the stars for insider beauty tips, start thinking nutrition and managing your skin from the inside-out. Expensive cosmetics will only get you so far and when it comes to collagen, dietary supplements will simply take you further.

    Your own personal red-carpet glowing skin is only a container of collagen away. Learn more about our Wild-Caught Marine Collagen and healthy ways to incorporate it into your daily nutrition here.

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