May 27, 2019 8 min read

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    Sexual health is a complex, multi-faceted matter which deserves far more attention than it is getting. What may be the issue is that people are addressing this matter inadequately, focusing only on certain aspects of sexual health while neglecting others. There is a wide variety of factors affecting a man's sex life, including mental health, stress level, hormonal (un)balance, physiology, and of course - nutrition.

    You may be wondering how is it that our nutritive choices can affect sexual health and performance? In fact, nutrition that is rich in antioxidants is of utmost importance not only in sexual health, but health in general. When it comes to foods and supplements rich in antioxidants, you should aim for quality ingredients and high-bioavailability formulas in order to achieve maximum effectiveness, such as fat-free Reduced Liposomal Glutathione and all-natural Liposomal Vitamin C.

    Understanding Sexual Dysfunction

    Sexual dysfunction is manifested through a lack of sexual desire caused by psychophysiological factors associated with the sexual response cycle. It is, without a doubt, an extremely frustrating issue which may seriously affect social relationships, as well as the emotional state of the affected individuals.

    Even though it is still considered a taboo topic among some men, it is important to state the fact that sexual dysfunction ranges from 10% to 52% in men, thus being a more frequent problem than we are led to believe. In addition, the reported incidence of sexual dysfunction in men in the United States is 31%. To make matters worse, by 2025 the number of men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) is expected to double, Science Direct finds.

    According to a study conducted by Ayta I. A. and colleagues, a worldwide increase of ED is expected, as the projections for 2025 predict that approximately 322 million men will be faced with this issue. Therefore, sexual dysfunction is considered a major public health problem, and something that men should be vocal about.

    Male Sexual Health Issues: Erectile Dysfunction, What Is It and How Does It Develop?

    The key to addressing any health issue, especially a matter as complex and multilayered as erectile dysfunction, is understanding every single aspect of it. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient to permit satisfactory sexual intercourse.

    Male Sexual Health Issues

    According to a study by Alastair J. J. and colleagues, once sexual stimulation takes place, relaxing factors from the endothelial cells in the penis are released with nitric oxide (NO), which is probably the principal neurotransmitter mediating penile erection. The main role of nitric oxide is in raising the intracellular concentration of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (GMP), which eventually leads to the relaxation of the smooth muscle in the arteries and arterioles, increasing the penile blood flow and resulting in an erection. As the penis tissue gets filled with blood, it expands, compressing the venous outflow and entrapping the blood within the penis, causing the penis to stay in an erect position, a study on erectile dysfunction finds.

    Normal erectile function involves 3 synergistic and simultaneous processes: 1) neurologically mediated increase in penile arterial inflow, 2) relaxation of cavernosal smooth muscle and 3) restriction of venous outflow from the penis. When it comes to the physiological cause of ED, it is mostly considered to be an issue of vascular origin, caused by the failure of the veins to close during an erection (veno-occlusive dysfunction).

    The Role of Proper Circulation and Nitric Oxide (NO) in Erectile Dysfunction

    As it is a highly prevalent issue, erectile dysfunction represents a major sexual concern for men. Some of the conditions linked to this issue include heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes, according to an overview of clinical evidence on erectile dysfunction. That being said, the number one factor in erectile dysfunction seems to be compromised NO production.

    Erectile Dysfunction

    According to a multifaceted approach to maximizing erectile function and vascular health, millions of men worldwide found the increasing cyclic GMP using phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors to significantly improve erectile function. Unfortunately, this approach alone appears to be insufficiently effective, since the inhibition of cyclic GMP degradation as a stand-alone approach fails to harness the full complexity of NO production and cyclic GMP stimulation in maximizing erectile function.

    One of the possible ways of addressing sexual dysfunction that seems to be on the tip of everyone’s tongue whenever this issue is brought about are Viagra-like drugs. While it may be a common method of addressing this issue, it is important to state that it does not promise maximum results. In fact, in most men with reduced erectile function, poor lifestyle choices and resulting endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease allow insufficient NO and cyclic GMP production for Viagra-like drugs to achieve their full potential.

    Because of the weight of scientifically-backed importance of NO in vascular health, there is robust scientific literature yielding many independent, as well as interactive ways to maximize NO production, a study by Meldrum D. and colleagues suggests.

    What is the Role of Antioxidants in the Sexual Life of Men?

    While you may not necessarily associate nutritional supplements with sexual health, certain all-natural, antioxidant-packed supplements may be a significant factor in improving sexual performance. Why antioxidants? In order to define antioxidants, we must first understand their counterparts - free radicals. According to Health Line, a molecule develops into a free radical when it loses an electron and becomes incomplete. Free radicals, being electrically charged, tend to damage other molecules, in some cases even forming chain reactions and converting the affected molecules into free radicals as well.

    Liposomal Supplements


    Here’s where antioxidant molecules come into play, donating an electron to neutralize the free radical and prevent it from damaging healthy cells. Containing a strong presence of free radicals, our organism experiences oxidative stress - an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals. Free radicalshave been found to severely damage DNA, proteins, and fatty tissue in the body, triggering various inflammatory conditions and other issues. Therefore, we could perceive antioxidants as a shielding system preserving healthy cells, responsible for creating a balance in the number of free radicals.

    Men diagnosed with ED have been found to have reduced antioxidant defenses - hence the immense role of antioxidants in male sexual health. According to a study conducted by D. R. Meldrum et al., lower levels of both cellular and circulating antioxidants in men with ED are most likely due to oxidative stress and/or low antioxidant intake. Furthermore, given that NO lasts only a few seconds in tissues due to its unbalanced electrons, both its production and stability depend on extensive antioxidant protection.

    An improved antioxidant status, achieved through proper nutrition and all-natural supplementation, has been shown to maximize erectile function, positively affecting every other aspect of health, as well.


    Liposomal Glutathione

    An intracellular antioxidant that seems to be particularly affected in cases of ED is glutathione, also known as the body’s master antioxidant. Having glutathione’s importance in the body’s defense system in mind, it’s no wonder supplementing with products rich in antioxidants is highly recommended when dealing with ED.

    Glutathione is the most important intracellular antioxidant, and it is an essential cofactor for NOS (NO synthase). Having established a strong link between glutathione deficiency and ED, it can be concluded that either men with ED have an inherent defect in glutathione production, or more likely, men with ED have a lower intake of dietary antioxidants that keep glutathione in the reduced state.

    Powerful antioxidant that it is, glutathione has sparked the interest of the nutrition world due to its numerous benefits. Packed with amino acids, Reduced Liposomal Glutathione has been proven to yield impressive results when it comes to skin health, even in the cases of psoriasis. Furthermore, orally administered glutathione has been linked to improvement in fatty liver conditions in conjunction with proactive lifestyle changes. Finally, one of the benefits that may pique the interest of many is that glutathione is considered a “key player” in autoimmunity, reducing oxidative stress and managing the body’s immunological response accordingly.

    Vitamin C

    It is safe to say that vascular health dictates sexual health. Therefore, a compromised vascular state will certainly lead to issues in sexual performance, such as ED. Supplementing with vitamin C has been found to promote vascular health by increasing vascular NO. However, the recommended dose of vitamin C in order to experience improvement in vascular health is 500 mg per day, which is an amount that cannot be acquired through dietary sources. Therefore, supplementing with all-natural Liposomal Vitamin C could be a game-changer in this case, since liposomal forms of vitamin C grant high bioavailability, providing a higher concentration of the vitamin than traditional forms.

    Liposomal Vitamin C

    Aside from the obvious, undeniable physiological causes of ED, the psychological aspect of this state should not be neglected. Whether it is the prevailing factor, or an additional issue, the role of psychological state is immense when it comes to sexual dysfunction. Vitamin C has been shown to decrease stress reactivity, thus easing anxiety and resulting in improved vascular function, and increased oxytocin release. These processes are relevant to sexual behavior and mood, and closely related to improving psychological effects - libido.

    Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient of great magnitude, and not just when it comes to sexual health. It is a strong antioxidant strengthening our body’s natural defenses, hence its widely recognized role in the immune system. Being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C is of vital importance when it comes to fighting inflammation. Among numerous other benefits, a study found that consistent supplementation with clean-sourced Vitamin C over the course of 10 years has lowered the chance of a heart condition developing by 25%.

    Sexual health is an essential part of every person’s life and it should not be neglected. In addition to seeking professional help and talking about this matter openly, including antioxidants such as soy-free Reduced Liposomal Glutathione and sugar-free Liposomal Vitamin C in your daily nutrition is a not only a step towards improved sexual health, but a significant lifestyle improvement, as well. Discover our selection of all-natural supplements in our online store.

    Article References:

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