May 26, 2020 4 min read

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    Boswellia Extract is a resin herbal extract, referred to as Indian Frankincense. Deriving from the Boswellia Serrata tree native to the African, Arabian, and Indian regions, Boswellia has been used traditionally for centuries. Farmers collect the gum resin from the bark of the tree. The gum resin harvest contains essential oils, gum, and terpenoids, which contain acids (the active constituents in Boswellia). It has a potent scent and flavor and provides a plethora of health benefits and is traditionally used for inflammatory disorders.

    Boswellia Serrata Extract

    Ayurvedic, one of the oldest holistic healing systems, has called on Boswellia to address a multitude of health concerns, especially conditions triggered by inflammation. As society turns back to our roots and explores and rediscovers nature’s medicine, we are finding that Boswellia should be incorporated into the routines of many, especially those affected by chronic inflammation and are suffering from pain and irritation.


    Inflammation occurs when the body is defending itself from foreign substances. These substances can be simple irritants such as splinters or pathogens and can lead to infections. Your body releases the emergency chemicals, cytokines from the cells into the bloodstream in order to protect the affected tissues that are under distress. While we don't necessarily witness all of the action, what we may see and even feel is the reaction of redness and warmth due to the increased blood flow to the affected area. You may start to experience pain when the chemicals cause fluid to leak into the tissues, which causes swelling and stimulation to the nerves, resulting in pain and discomfort.

    Acute and Chronic Inflammation

    There are two main types of common inflammation. Acute inflammation relates to injuries and illnesses that are short term and will typically last just a few days. If you are suffering from acute inflammation, you may experience pain, redness, loss of function, swelling, and heat. This type of inflammation is usually a result of exposure to something in the environment or a foreign substance, such as a bee sting or a splinter that leads to injury or infection.

    Chronic inflammation lasts much longer, anywhere from months to years, and is often much more severe. This happens when the defense response lingers and leaves your body in a constant state of alert. Chronic inflammation can occur for many reasons if acute inflammation causes are left untreated. Additionally, if a person becomes exposed to irritants, such as air pollution or chemicals, long-term, they may experience chronic inflammation. While inflammation is working to keep your body safe, sometimes, your body can mistake your cells and tissues as the bad guy, which can lead to autoimmune diseases. Chronic inflammation can causedamage to cells, tissue, and organs. Chronic inflammation can be linked to many diseases, including, but not limited to, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis (and other joint conditions), allergies, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

    Pain-Relieving Effects of Boswellia


    Boswellia is most commonly used for those who suffer from osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a result of aging joints, obesity, and injury. The symptoms often include joint stiffness and pain and show up most commonly in the hand, wrist, neck, back, knee, and hip. Boswellia can lessen the pain and swelling caused by osteoarthritis. It has also been shown to increase the mobility of those who suffer from this condition.

    Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune condition that begins when your body begins to attack its tissue. This causes inflammation in the joints resulting in red, swollen, and pain in the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis can also affect the eyes, heart, lungs, skin, and more. Studieshave shown Boswellia aids in the reduction of joint swelling.

    Boswellia Extract for Inflammation

    Boswellia extract has been tested and found to be a reliable natural treatment for inflammation. It helps to reduce the effects of acute and chronic inflammation. There are four acids present in Boswellia resin that are responsible for its anti-inflammatory properties. These four acids are what inhibits 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO), which produces leukotrienes. Leukotrienesare the molecules found to be the cause for inflammation and therefore, must be regulated.

    Benefits of Boswellia for Mental Health

    Boswellia Benefits

    Not only does Boswellia help manage pain and swelling caused by inflammation. This herbal supplement is known to be a natural way to enhance the mood, which contributes to the practice of burning Boswellia resin as incense as a spiritual and religious ritual. Studies suggest that incensole acetate, an active ingredient found in Boswellia has antidepressant effects due to its ability to lower inflammatory reactions that target the braid and increase cognitive decline. Additionally, Boswellia has been tested and shown antiviral activity, which can help in managing infections. Disclaimer: Do not mix boswellia with prescription or anti-depressants, unless under the guidance of your doctor.

    Experience Amandean Boswellia Serrata Extract

    Taking Premium Boswellia Serrata Extract has a multitude of benefits, especially if you are suffering from inflammation, acute and chronic. Amandean Boswellia extract is selectively sourced from India and extracted from the 3rd harvest of gum resin (which is considered to be the highest quality) from the Boswellia Serrata tree. Our Boswellia Extract contains 65% acids, ensuring the highest quality and rated product. Incorporating Boswellia extract into your routine is easy and hassle-free. Simply take one daily capsule at mealtime for optimal absorption, and did we mention Boswellia extract is vegan friendly?

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