April 04, 2021 5 min read

In this article

    What is the ketogenic diet?

    What is the ketogenic diet?

    The ketogenic diet is really more of an eating plan than a diet plan. Instead of a strict, calorie deficit with high-carbs many Americans are used to, it's a low-carb, high-fat diet similar to the Atkins diet (a low-carb, high-protein diet). People usually adopt this eating plan for weight loss, though it might seem counterintuitive at first - how can eating more fats lead to fat loss? However, it has many other health benefits as well! When we replace carbohydrates with healthy fats, it puts our bodies into a metabolic state called ketosis, hence the name. Typically, your body will use carbs and sugar as its primary source of energy. During ketosis however, low-carbohydrate diets force your body to burn fat for fuel, while your liver simultaneously converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies or ketones for increased energy.

    There are multiple types of keto diet plans, including the standard, cyclical, targeted, and high-protein ketogenic diet, but only the standard keto diet has been studied extensively. They are all very similar except for dividing macronutrients a little differently. If you’re following a strict, standardketo diet, the average person should eat about 20-30 grams of net carbs a day. To get a broader view of what's on the menu, the macronutrients of your diet should be 70% fat, 20% protein, and about 10% carbs. In a daily 2,000-calorie diet, might look something like 165 grams of fat, 75 grams of protein, and only 40 grams of carbs.

    Foods that should be avoided on the standard keto diet are:

    • Whole grains
    • Processed and added sugars
    • Beans and legumes
    • Unhealthy processed fats such as processed vegetable oils, trans fats, and saturated fats
    • Alcohol
    • Starches
    • Fruits
    • Root vegetables

    So what can you eat while on this low-carb diet? Plenty! There are an abundance of keto meal plans out there that use the following ingredients:

    • Meat
    • Fatty fish
    • Eggs
    • Butter and cream
    • Low-carb veggies like leafy greens, nightshades, and avocados
    • Nuts and seeds
    • Lots of herbs and spices
    • Coconut oil
    • MCT oil (medium-chain triglyceride)
    • Olive oil
    • Sweeteners like stevia and sucralose

    Benefits of the Keto Diet & Collagen

    The keto diet is extremely popular in America, and for good reason! Many studies have proven that this diet has the following benefits:

    Benefits of Keto

    • Heart Disease:The ketogenic diet can reduce certain risk factors of heart disease  by lowering body fat and preventing obesity. It also helps to increase healthy HDL cholesterol levels and in turn lowers blood pressure levels, blood sugar levels, and insulin levels. In fact, low-carb, high-fat diets such as this one show a dramatic increase in HDL and a decrease in LDL particle concentration compared to low-fat diets.
    • Alzheimer’s Disease: The keto diet may help to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease as well as managing and reducing the symptoms.
    • Epilepsy: One study showed that epileptic children who reduced their carb intake through the keto diet had a significant reduction in seizures.
    • Polycystic ovary syndrome: Because the ketogenic diet can help reduce insulin levels, it may help to prevent and treat PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome.
    • Brain injuries: Emerging studies show that the keto diet may improve outcomes of traumatic brain injuries.

    During the first four to five days of starting the keto diet, you might be feeling a little sluggish or have constipation. Don't worry, that is one of the short-term side effects commonly called the keto flu, but it doesn't last long. In fact, many people feel much more energized while on the keto diet when they stick with it! Those with type 2 diabetes should consult a dietitian or doctor before adopting this diet as it can counteract certain medications.

    Consult with Doctor

    If you want to see quick results, it's important that you moderate your protein intake. When consumed in high amounts, our bodies convert protein into glucose which can slow its ability to enter ketosis. For this reason, lean protein supplements such as collagen are key! Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and its benefits are widespread. From your skin's clarity and elasticity to tissue repair and gut health, collagen is absolutely key. The trouble is that our bodies start producing less and less collagen as we age. Free radicals can break down the collagen as well. Dietary sources of collagen are rare in modern diets, which calls for supplementation. Marine collagen supplements are keto-friendly with 0 carbs and only ~35 calories per scoop. One or two, 10g scoops a day can help you to feel full and satisfied on the keto diet, while closely monitoring your protein consumption. They're so lean that you can consume them any time of day, even while intermittent fasting.

    Quick, Easy, and Energy-Boosting Keto Meals

    Want even more wellness tips and healthy and delicious recipes like these? Visit our blog or check out the recipe page on our website!

    Summary Points:

    Instead of a strict, calorie deficit with high carbs many Americans are used to, keto is a low-carb, high-fat diet similar to the Atkins diet (a low-carb, high-protein diet).

    During ketosis, you burn fat for fuel, while your liver simultaneously converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies or ketones for increased energy.

    Keto promises multiple health benefits, including heart health, cognitive functions, and even reproductive health.

    Marine collagen supplements are keto-friendly with 0 carbs and only ~35 calories per scoop.

    Discover the Superhuman in you!

    Take our quiz and find which supplements your body is craving.

    Article References:

    1. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/ketogenic-diet-101#ketosis
    2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499830/#:~:text=A%20ketogenic%20diet%20primarily%20consists,5%25%20to%2010%25%20carbohydrates.
    3. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/keto-flu-symptoms

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