June 25, 2018 5 min read

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    When it comes to alcohol consumption, knowledge certainly doesn't mean power; power over our drinking habits that is. The health hazards of excess alcohol consumption speak loudly against it, but many of us choose to drink in denial regardless of what science or medical professionals tell us. Our social environments, stressful lives, and to a large degree, our cultural acceptance of alcohol all stand in the way of cutting down or removing it from our lives altogether. We all like to believe that health problems that can arise due to alcohol are far removed from ourselves. But often, our body starts to tell us otherwise and eventually, we're forced to listen whether we want to or not. As the Irish like to say, "What whiskey will not cure, there is no cure for". Today, however, we're going to explore the merits of a booze-free life and how incorporating a premium glutathione supplement can help you manage sobriety and repair your body.

    Deciding to go booze-free, even for a short stint of time, can be a wise decision for our health, our wallets, and even our relationships. In Western culture and traditions booze is a celebratory part of many social gatherings, family events, and important meals we share. We drink to enjoy, relax, distract, and often to diffuse the stress of a long work day. But too much and too much poses serious health risks to our health and sometimes the choice to give up is more of a necessity than an option. Luckily, the degree of damage that occurs in our body as a result of alcohol consumption is not always irreversible when we stop drinking. Today we explore the benefits of using Liposomal Glutathione to help manage the sobriety process and repair the body once you've given up.

    What Happens To Our Bodies When We Consume Too Much Alcohol?

    What Happens To Our Bodies When We Consume Too Much Alcohol?

    The most common drinking-related conditions are overwhelmingly related to the health of our liver. Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD) is the result of the way our body treats alcohol in the liver where alcohol metabolic products lead to the formation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) that harm cells through interacting with fats, proteins, and DNA. In addition, alcohol reduces the levels of naturally occurring antioxidants in the body resulting in an excess of oxidative stress, which further extends its harmful effects. On a day-to-day basis, our bodies are equipped to manage oxidative stress, however, with regular and excessive alcohol consumption, our body cannot keep repairing the damage leading to a state of oxidative stress. Collectively, ROS production and oxidative stress in the liver lead to Alcoholic Liver Disease (1).

    Common withdrawal symptoms

    In addition, alcohol is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase and cytochrome P450-2E1 (ADH and CYP2E1) enzymes found in the brain endothelial cells leading to the production of ROS, which is responsible for oxidative stress and production of neurodegenerative agents (2).

    It is well known that giving up alcohol is not an easy decision and often requires professional support. Common withdrawal symptoms can include anxiety, headaches, shaky hands, and insomnia. It's important to take appropriate measures to manage the initial steps of sobriety, no matter how much you're used to drinking healthily. The role of Glutathione is that it can effectively help to relieve these symptoms, while at the same time acting as a powerful antioxidant and repairing liver damage.

    What Is The Role Of Glutathione When Giving Up Alcohol?

    Glutathione acts on many levels to repair the health damage of drinking. Firstly, Glutathione (GSH) effectively scavenges free radicals and reactive oxygen species as hydroxyl radicals that result from alcohol metabolism. Directly and indirectly through multiple reactions which include enzymatic reactions, glutathione is oxidized to form GSSG, which is then reduced to GSH, its "active form" by yet another enzymatic reaction (3).

    Secondly, research suggests that oxidative stress can increase anxiety. Studies show that the inhibition of enzymes implicated in oxidative stress mechanisms have reversed oxidative stress-related anxiety and antioxidant supplementation for prevention or reduction of high anxiety can be very helpful. As glutathione is the body's most powerful antioxidant, it helps to relieve anxiety linked to oxidative stress while at the same time repairing the cellular damage caused by drinking (4).

    Thirdly, glutathione boosts the immune system by activating T-lymphocytes and leukocytes that are part of the immune response of the body, thus ensuring a competent immune system facing any health hazards oxidative stress can cause (3).

    How Do You Optimize Glutathione Levels In The Body?

    Optimize Glutathione Levels

    Biologically, a healthy human body produces adequate levels of glutathione to fight ROS but an overload of free radicals that come from environmental pollutants, chemicals, and consuming too much alcohol depletes glutathione levels. For this reason, its extremely important to supplement especially when when you decide to give up drinking.

    Glutathione is a tripeptide composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glutaminic acid, and glycine. In short, it's a protein that is normally digested once it reaches the stomach. Consequently, taking a highly bioavailable glutathione supplement is essential so that the nutrient reaches the cells that need it most. Solubility and the nutrient's ability to cross membrane barriers bypass the first-pass metabolism, and rapid clearance from cells are all important functions of a highly bioavailable glutathione. This level of absorbency is best achieved through a liposomal formula.

    Liposomal Glutathione Formula

    Liposomal Glutathione is the most bioavailable glutahione supplement on the market. As the name suggests, it is encapsulated in a liposome, which means it has been naturally “trapped” inside microscopic lipid-spheres. This cutting-edge delivery system means that the glutathione is delivered directly into cells in the bloodstream, whereas traditional forms of glutathione are absorbed through the digestive track and most of it isn't delivered to the cells in need. Liposomal delivery enhances the bioavailability of nutrients to comparable levels with IV Vitamin treatments without a substantial price tag or the administration of needles. Therefore, taking a liposomal glutathione supplement when giving up alcohol offers the most effective results for cellular repair and liver detox.

    To read more about Liposomal Glutathione to help you manage the process of giving up booze, please visit our online store today!

    Article References:

    1. Defeng, W., & Arthur, I. (2018). Alcohol, Oxidative Stress, and Free Radical Damage. Retrieved from https://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh27-4/277-284.htm

    2. Haorah, J., Ramirez, S., Floreani, N., Gorantla, S., Morsey, B., & Persidsky, Y. (2008). Mechanism of alcohol-induced oxidative stress and neuronal injury. Free Radical Biology And Medicine, 45(11), 1542-1550. doi: 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2008.08.030

    3. Wu, G., Fang, Y., Yang, S., Lupton, J., & Turner, N. (2004). Glutathione Metabolism and Its Implications for Health. The Journal Of Nutrition, 134(3), 489-492. doi: 10.1093/jn/134.3.489

    4. Bouayed, J., Rammal, H., & Soulimani, R. (2009). Oxidative Stress and Anxiety: Relationship and Cellular Pathways. Oxidative Medicine And Cellular Longevity, 2(2), 63-67. doi: 10.4161/oxim.2.2.7944

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