August 07, 2019 14 min read

In this article

    Before diving into this article, here’s a little preview of what we’ll be talking about when it comes to everyone’s favorite nutrient.

    1. Vitamin C and Its Great Importance for Our Health
    2. Vitamin C + Glutathione
    3. Vitamin C + Collagen
    4. Vitamin C + Iron
    5. Vitamin C + Zinc
    6. Vitamin C + Vitamin E
    7. Bioavailability & Liposomal Vitamin C

    In case the supplement scene hasn’t caught your attention yet, you may think that learning about different supplement combinations is a waste of time. While supplementing with a high bioavailability Liposomal Vitamin C is already extremely beneficial in its own right, why not grab all the additional benefits by combining it with supplements shown to multiply the benefits?!

    Also, it is important to address a common misconception that you should take all the supplements you can, without paying attention to their possible interactions. While Vitamin C supplementation is highly recommended, knowing the key facts about the supplements you’re incorporating into your daily nutrition is a must for maintaining good health with no unwanted health concerns or side-effects.

    Now, before you give up on supplementation altogether due to an overflow of information you can find online, let’s pause for a second. The truth is that you don’t have to keep your finger on the pulse of the nutrition world to organize your supplements adequately. In today’s article, we will be focusing on the best combinations ofclean-sourced Vitamin C with other efficient supplements, so keep on reading to find out more about each of them!

    Vitamin C and its Importance for our health

    Unlike some of the newer supplements on the market, it is a safe assumption that we’ve all heard of this essential vitamin. In fact, your grandmother probably had a container in the medicine cabinet when you were growing up. Most people have taken some form of Vitamin C supplement in their lifetime. The meaning of the term essential when it comes to Vitamin C is twofold: not only is Vitamin C essential to our health, but it is actually an essential nutrient - meaning that our body is unable to produce it naturally, unlike most animals. Therefore, given its importance to the human body, it is up to us to provide an adequate amount of ascorbic acid for our optimal health.

    Ascorbic acid, commonly known as vitamin C, is a water-soluble vitamin largely present in some foods, while mostly recommended in the form of a dietary supplement due to the quantity of pure nutrients it provides.

    When it comes to vitamin C’s undeniable, multilayered role in human health, it can be recognized in different aspects. First and foremost, vitamin C is of vital importance as far as collagen synthesis and protein metabolism are concerned, given that without it collagen cannot be manufactured naturally in the body - hence the unbreakable bond between collagen and Vitamin C.

    One of the most talked-about roles of vitamin C concerns its antioxidant function. As a powerful physiological antioxidant, vitamin C has been found to actively participate in the regeneration process of other antioxidants such as alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). According to a study on the role of antioxidants in health maintenance, for optimal health to be preserved, a delicate balance between free radicals and antioxidants must be achieved.

    Why should we beware of these broken molecules known as free radicals? Free radicals have been known to induce harmful oxidative reactions, leading to fragmentation of healthy DNA, enzymes and protein molecules, and resulting in cell death. According to a study conducted by Mostafa I. Waly and colleagues, vitamin C has the power to neutralize damaging free radicals, preventing cellular oxidative damage, thus preserving the healthy molecules.

    Therefore, antioxidant supplements are recommended both in management and prevention of free radical-induced conditions, especially when it comes to essential nutrients such as Liposomal Vitamin C.

    Liposomal Vitamin C

    You may be wondering what it is that sets non-GMO Liposomal Vitamin C apart from other popular supplements when it comes to immunity-boosting properties? Vitamin C, as a potent antioxidant, has been found to promote important cellular functions when it comes to both innate and adaptive immune system. Furthermore, a study on Vitamin C and immune function has found vitamin C to be of utmost importance in supporting the epithelial barrier function, combating pathogens and protecting against oxidative stress.

    In addition to improving general health and wellbeing, a study on low nourishment of Vitamin C states that quality vitamin C supplementation could potentially prevent the development of non-communicable conditions, such as Type 2 diabetes and certain cardiovascular conditions. But how do we know that we’re taking in an adequate amount of this nutrient?

    As per most tips on health, it often starts with nutrition. As long as you’re prioritizing a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, you’re feeding your body right, especially if your choices are fruits and veggies rich in vitamin C. That being said, dietary sources of vitamin C have proven to be insufficient, given that general requirements of this nutrient in healthy individuals start at 100-200mg a day and increase from there! Therefore, in addition to cherry-picking your food, you should also consider incorporating fat-free Liposomal Vitamin C supplementation in order to obtain an adequate amount of this essential vitamin.

    When it comes to the proposed dosage, different information can be found on this subject. The usual math when it comes to healthy individuals equals 90mg/day for males and 75mg/day for females, with the addition of 35mg for smokers. However, given environmental influences, pollution, stress, and many other harmful factors, Linus Pauling’s theory of Vitamin C megadosing seems much more accurate.

    When it comes to vitamin C supplementation, consistency is key. Aside from being an essential nutrient which is not naturally present in our body, ascorbic acid is also water-soluble. Unfortunately for us, our body does not offer a lot of storage for water-soluble nutrients, which calls for consistent supplementation in adequate doses.

    What’s more, providing the body with sufficient doses of Vitamin C isn’t only recommended, but rather necessary in order to avoid deficiency (hypovitaminosis C). According to certain epidemiological studies, hypovitaminosis C is a much more common condition than we are led to believe, as it is officially the fourth leading nutrient deficiency in the United States. Among many other harmful consequences, Vitamin C deficiency has also been shown to lead to scurvy, a condition manifested through easy bruising, compromised wound healing ability, and bleeding gums.

    While numerous studies firmly establish the undeniable sole importance of vitamin C, multiple sources also emphasize the fact that the efficiency of this nutrient can skyrocket once combined with certain supplements. Without further ado, let’s dive into the most beneficial vitamin C interactions with other effective health supplements.

    Vitamin C in combination with other supplements

    Vitamin C + Glutathione

    Liposomal Vitamin C and Liposomal Glutathione

    Earlier in this article, we touched upon the importance of antioxidants for optimal human health due to their free-radical-fighting ability. Glutathione is considered the most powerful of all antioxidants, thus referred to as the body’s master antioxidant.

    Unlike vitamin C, all-natural glutathione is already present in the body, which makes it an intracellular antioxidant. As the predominant bodily antioxidant, glutathione has been found to prevent oxidative damage as low glutathione levels have been linked to the occurrence of oxidative-stress induced conditions. Furthermore, due to its protective properties, glutathione has been found to play a vital role in preserving cellular proteins as well as cellular vitamin C.

    Since both vitamin C and glutathione have been recognized as effective antioxidants, and it is clear that free radicals stand behind many health conditions, it’s no wonder that the combination of the two is quite beneficial. According to a study on the redox couple between glutathione and ascorbic acid, there is a significant amount of evidence supporting the fact that Liposomal Vitamin C and Reduced Liposomal Glutathione function together as antioxidants.

    Not only are the antioxidant functions of the two nutrients overlapping - significantly improving the body’s immune system - but glutathione has also been found to regenerate vitamin C in the body, both directly and nonenzymatically. Therefore, non-GMO reduced Liposomal Glutathione can be considered an activating agentwhich maximizes the availability of vitamin C and reduces it to its “active form”.

    Moreover, their interaction does not stop there. Not only does glutathione activate and preserve intracellular vitamin C, but ascorbic acid has also been found to increase the levels of glutathione in return. Namely, a study conducted by Lenton K. J. et al. found that supplementing with 500 or 2000mg of vitamin C a day for 2 weeks caused an increase in glutathione in red blood cells by 2-fold.

    Furthermore, yet another groundbreaking finding regarding glutathione deficiency has been presented in the mentioned study. In this specific case, a 4-year-old girl had been diagnosed with severe glutathione deficiency, as well as hereditary glutathione synthetase deficiency. Having received vitamin C supplementation, the patient experienced a substantial increase in plasma and lymphocyte glutathione levels, 8-fold and 4-fold respectively.

    Taking previous studies into consideration, it is safe to say that vitamin C is a favorable option in the management of conditions involving glutathione deficiency. Finally, the emphasis should be on the fact that each of the studies mentioned clean-sourced vitamin C supplementation, rather than a vitamin C-rich diet, in reversing the symptoms of decreased glutathione levels.

    Vitamin C + Collagen

    Liposomal Vitamin C and Collagen

    While glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant, collagen, on the other hand, is considered its main structural protein, comprising approximately one-third of all the protein in the body. As a structural protein, it is largely present in tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage, as well as skin. Furthermore, collagen, the most frequently occurring protein, offers multiple health and beauty benefits which have come to the fore in recent years. Improved skin texture and health, lean muscle mass index, bone structure, as well as reduced joint pain and stiffness are just some of the benefits of the mighty protein.

    When it comes to the structure of the structural protein itself, it consists of valuable amino acids including glycine (~33%), proline (~12-14%), hydroxyproline (<14%), and hydroxylysine (1.5%). So, why is collagen’s amino acid composition considered highly beneficial? Besides their role of building blocks of bodily proteins, amino acids have also been found to regulate metabolic processes linked to immunity, growth, reproduction, and overall well-being, a study by Wu G. states.

    Just like vitamin C, collagen is also present in numerous dietary sources, including bone broth, egg whites, cod, as well as citrus fruits. However, people interested in its benefits, having bioavailability in mind, are not betting on dietary sources - which is the reason behind the growing popularity of clean-sourced hydrolyzed collagen supplements.

    A study on collagen hydrolysates as diet supplements finds that oral administration of hydrolyzed collagen successfully crosses the intestinal barrier, reaching into the bloodstream, thus becoming bioavailable. Furthermore, the same study found that oral ingestion of collagen positively affects the synthesis of extracellular matrix components. Speaking of collagen synthesis, not only is collagen supplementation of utmost importance, but pairing it with aquality vitamin C supplement has been shown to yield the best results, given than vitamin C is a crucial factor in collagen manufacturing.

    In order to establish the importance of combining collagen and vitamin C, we will stress the fact that collagen synthesis is, in fact, the main biological role of vitamin C. Therefore, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that vitamin C deficiency is often manifested through conditions related to impaired collagen synthesis - one of them being scurvy. Scurvy, a skin condition, causes slow wound healing, impaired skin quality, bleeding gums, and what is known as “corkscrew hair”.

    So, how does the collagen synthesis occur, and where does vitamin C come into play? Before being formed, collagen exists in its base form, known as procollagen, which consists of amino acid repeats rich in proline. Vitamin C actively participates in the modification of procollagen, supporting cell production, a study by S.J. Padayatty and colleagues finds. Furthermore, the study defines vitamin C as a required cofactor in collagen synthesis. In conclusion, it is safe to say that collagen and vitamin C are undoubtedly a match made in heaven.

    Vitamin C + Iron

    Vitamin C and Iron

    So far, we’ve discussed antioxidants and their prevalent role in cellular health and immune system. Even though iron is not an antioxidant, but a mineral, it does have a remarkable role in the immune system, as it has been found to decrease oxidative stress. Namely, according to the findings of a study on the effect of iron supplementation, a significant decrease in oxidative stress has been noted in individuals who took iron supplementation for 6 weeks. Furthermore, iron has been found to play a key role in numerous metabolic pathways, including energy production, cell proliferation, as well as DNA synthesis and respiration, a study on correcting iron deficiency states.  

    What’s more, a study conducted by Darius J.R. Lane et al. defines iron as “vital for cellular survival”. Taking the previously discussed immune function of vitamin C into consideration, it is only natural for these superforces to be joined. Moreover, oral administration of vitamin C supplementation has also been found to increase iron absorption in the gut, while also regulating cellular iron uptake and metabolism, a study on the active role of vitamin C in mammalian iron metabolism states.

    The above-mentioned study also finds that vitamin C is an irreplaceable factor in the classical transferrin–iron uptake pathway, which is a process regulating the iron transfer for all cellular demands. Simply put, without vitamin C, iron would not be able to reach the cells and its bioavailability would be greatly compromised. In addition, vitamin C does not only enhance iron absorption, but it is also considered crucial when it comes to iron metabolism. By allowing iron to be absorbed on a cellular level and participating in its metabolism, vitamin C acts in prevention of a condition known as anemia, caused by iron deficiency.

    Vitamin C + Zinc 

    Zinc, as well as zinc deficiency, may not be the hottest topics in the world of health and nutrition, but that certainly doesn’t mean that the role of this nutrient should be neglected. Did you know that one of the primary roles of zinc is DNA binding?

    In addition, zinc is one of the predominant factors in the cell proliferation and differentiation process, while its deficiency has been linked to compromised immune response, impaired wound healing, fertility issues, as well as skin changes, a study by S. Maggini and colleagues finds. And while on the topic of zinc deficiency, an interesting finding about this issue, that may not be as advertised as other deficiencies, is that it affects 2 billion people worldwide, comprising a substantial proportion of the Western population.

    When it comes to the relation of vitamin C and zinc, they both have crucial functional roles as far as immune support, optimal health, and nutrition are concerned. What’s more, these nutrients have complementary roles in supporting various immunity-preserving functions, including cell proliferation, antibody production, as well as epithelial barriers. What’s more, a study focused on the combination of high-dose vitamin C and zinc presents this duo as extremely efficient when it comes to improving the body’s potential for defense.

    Finally, one of the most accurate examples of the efficiency of highly-bioavailable vitamin C in combination with zinc is treating a common cold. Namely, the combination of the two essential nutrients, largely responsible for the adequate functioning of the immune system, was found to be much more beneficial than the placebo in the first 5 days of the treatment.

    Vitamin C + Vitamin E

    Vitamin C and Vitamin E

    Vitamin E, just like vitamin C, is a valuable nutrient which cannot be manufactured naturally in humans - hence the attribute “essential”. Yet another common trait is that it is also an antioxidant, supporting immune function, cell function, and especially skin health. Just like any other strong antioxidant, vitamin E has also been shown to fight free radicals, thus preventing oxidative damage.

    As far as the connection between these two vitamins goes, vitamin C has been found to repair vitamin E in case of membrane-bound oxidation. Furthermore, these two have been shown to work well as a team, promoting each other’s antioxidant effects.

    Moreover, what makes a liposomal vitamin C supplement mix well with a vitamin E product is the fact that both are low-molecular-mass antioxidants, extremely efficient when it comes to combating free radicals. In addition, both nutrients have been found to decrease oxidative stress thanks to their antioxidant protective properties. In fact, a study on the beneficial effect of combined administration of vitamin C and E found their co-administration to alleviate markers of oxidative stress much more efficiently, as opposed to when administered separately, while also elevating glutathione levels.

    As we’ve already mentioned, one of the most recognized roles of vitamin E is in skin health, which draws yet another parallel between the two vitamins. A study conducted by Placzek M. and colleagues finds antioxidants to be extremely effective when it comes to protection against damaging UV rays. What’s more, the same study included 3-month-long research on human volunteers who took combined oral administration of vitamin C and E in order to determine their effect on UVB-induced epidermal damage. The treatment resulted in decreased sunburn reaction to UVB irradiation, confirming the beneficial effects of this vitamin combination.

    Liposomal encapsulation for Vitamin C bioavailability 

    When it comes to the choice of supplementation, there are several factors to take into consideration, including the efficiency of absorption, routes of administration, product formulation technology, and above all - bioavailability. After all, if the nutrient does not reach the bloodstream and the cellular demands aren’t satisfied, what is the purpose of supplementation?

    Liposomal encapsulation technology has revolutionized the nutrition industry, introducing the highest level of bioavailability that can be administered at home. This innovative technology utilizes liposomes - microscopic lipid vesicles - which improve the solubility, bioavailability, and stability of a vitamin.

    Liposomal Technology

    In comparison to traditional methods, the intravenous administration of vitamin C has yielded impressive results. However, with the introduction of all-natural Liposomal Vitamin C, the tables seem to have turned, given that the efficiency of supplements has skyrocketed thanks to the revolutionary liposomal technology. An additional benefit of the liposomal encapsulated products is that they have been shown to decrease the possibility of gastrointestinal discomfort.

    As opposed to traditional forms of vitamin C, non-GMO Liposomal Vitamin C can penetrate through many biological membranes that represent barriers in the pathway of a nutrient, thus reaching the cells in need. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that the liposomal form of vitamin C is superior to traditional forms, as the liposomal formulation allows for efficient vitamin delivery.

    Combining efficient, beneficial, and above everything else natural products can only enhance their positive effects, multiply their benefits, and yield great results. While individual benefits of vitamin C were never called into question, combining it with similar powerful supplements can only strengthen each of its praised characteristics. For more all-natural, non-GMO supplements, head over to our online store, and in case you’d like to learn more about possible vitamin and mineral interactions, check out our in-depth supplement mixing guide!

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