June 04, 2018 4 min read

In this article

    Smartphones and smart devices have become a permanent fixture in our lives over the last decade. Essentially, they're just an extension of our hands, if not then an accessory more important to us than even our wallets. Don't believe me? The average American spends more than 32 minutes a day on Instagram alone. That's just a single application! It's safe to say we're all addicts to smartphones and/or smart devices to some degree.

    Needless to say, that whether your uploading photos, buying crypto currency, or getting from point A to B these devices are simply part of modern life and the way we navigate our day-to-day life. However, as essential as they are to our existance, there are social and health implications of smart device usage that are only just being discovered. As smart device technology becomes more and more accessible to individuals and communities in even the farthest corners of the globe, health concerns are rising.

    The waves smart devices emit which are referred to as "radiowaves", and specifically "non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation".Many reports show that this radiation is the cause of health problems ranging from headaches to more serious and life-threatening illnesses such as cancer.

    Radiation is the cause of health problems ranging from headaches to more serious issues

    Health damage caused by smart devices…Is it for real?!

    Medical research suggests that the electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones and smart devices are potentially carcinogenic to humans, where they can be linked to certain types of cancer such as brain cancer, as well as tumors of the acoustic nerve and salivary glands. Additionally, studies also correlate these electromagnetic fields withlower sperm count, headaches, and adverse effects onlearning, memory, hearing, behavior, and sleep. Yikes!

    Furthermore, a study investigating the effects of microwaves emitted from cell phones on hematological parameters, showed that there was a significant reduction in hemoglobin, monocytes, packed cell volume, red blood cells, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration. By contrast white blood cells, lymphocytes, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and mean corpuscular volume were shown to increase significantly.(1).

    So how do radiowave emitting devices affect our health exactly?

    The radiowave signals emitted from smart devices interact with protein receptors on the cell membrane, which cause vibrations that can close down the cell membrane so that neither nutrients can flow into the cell nor waste products be excreted. This results in an accumulation of free radicals in the cell which are their destructive and oxidative. (2). Oxidative stress is in turn responsible for the development of over a hundred health conditions ranging from arthritis and connective tissue disorders to carcinogenesis, physical injury, infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (3).

    This is enough to seriously make us all consider how much time we spend on our smarphones!! These health concerns have sparked a strong trend in the health community toward supplementation of antioxidants to oppose and counteract the damaging effects of such smart devices. One of the most trusted of these antioxidants is likely a familiar one to most: Vitamin C.

    Liposomal Vitamin C Supplement

    The protective role of Vitamin C on human health

    One of the most accessible and powerful antioxidants available to humans is Vitamin C. More specifically, studies show that Vitamin C has a superior protective role against exposure to radiowaves and wifi routers.The study concluded that Vitamin C acts on the physiological and metabolical reactions and that protects cells from radiation exposure, via scavenging free radicals and transforming them into a non-radical form (3).

    Which Vitamin C should I take?

    The most bioavailable vitamins are encapsulated in liposomes to enhance their half-lives and facilitate their intracellular uptake in humans. This bioavailability is critical in cases of exposure to radiation so that active components can't pass through cell membranes due to the damaging effects of radiation on cell membrane channels. For this reason, high importance should be placed on Vitamin C varieties with the highest rate of absorbancy. Whereas traditional Vitamin C tablets, powders, and capsules are mostly excreted by the body, Liposomal Vitamin C is up to 90% bioavailable, also making it an effective alternative to IV Vitamin C treatments.

    Liposomal delivery of Vitamin C allows for faster absorption

    In addition, ascorbic acid encapsulation in liposomes was found to extend the nutrient's half-life to 100 days compared with a pure solution of ascorbic acid with a half-life of 18 days at 4 °C. (4)

    In simple terms, liposomal delivery of Vitamin C allows for faster absorption and higher bioavailability so more of the active ingredient reaches the cells that need it most.


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    In conclusion, as we can't hault the ever-expanding role that technology and smart devices play in our daily lives it is wise to protect ourselves from the harmful effects they exert on our health however we can. Using powerful antioxidants, such as a highly bioavailableLiposomal Vitamin C can help protect cells against radiowave damage caused by such devices as well as boost resistance to damaging environmental and chemical toxins.

    Article References:

    1.  Kimberly, S. (2010). The Adverse Health Effects of EMFs from Modern Technology.
    2. Kosanić, M., Ranković, B., & Vukojević, J. (2010). Antioxidant properties of some lichen species. Journal Of Food Science And Technology,48(5), 584-590. doi: 10.1007/s13197-010-0174-2

    3. Maherani, B., Arab-Tehrany, E., R. Mozafari, M., Gaiani, C., & Linder, M. (2011). Liposomes: A Review of Manufacturing Techniques and Targeting Strategies. Current Nanoscience, 7(3), 436-452. doi: 10.2174/157341311795542453

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